We use latest online shop platform with Mobile payment function as Wechat Pay and Paypal to provide an eCommerce platform with content management function to our customer to build up the online shop.

Web design as a platform for persons or corporates to promote their corporate to the publics. A well professional web design can impress its visitor, result in increase in good-views or profits. Infoware has experienced in web design and development team which are innovative, highly creative and has very high demands on aesthetics in web design. They would be there to build website that stand out from others.
web design
Responsible web design
Our responsive web design with Html5 makes your web design look good on all devices (Desktops, Android & iOS) with combined of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to make your website easy be found in Google or Baidu
web design
Content Management System & Mobile Payment
Most of the popular brand their websites including online stores, our lates online shop platform also with mobile payments as WeChat payment or Paypal to provide custome sales their product both online or online.
web design
Keyword & Search Engine Optimization
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and professional keyword analytics help your website easy be search by nature in popular search engine as Google, Yahoo & Baidu without fix expenses in every month.
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